Sunday 29 April 2012

intime VALUES ~ WHY

Whilst talking to a Financial Services client preparing for RDR readiness, that week’s agenda focussed on their business specialities - helping identify what sets them apart from their competition. This is not as simple an exercise as you might think, which is probably why it’s so often overlooked by busy business leaders. As part of the process we began highlighting the differences between KSPs and USPs.

Taking nothing for granted (an essential quality in the coach / client relationship), let’s remind ourselves that the S.P.s above are Selling Points, with ‘K’ being Key and ‘U’ being that all important UNIQUE:

Key Selling Points and Unique Selling Points.

Prospects tick off the comparative KSPs as they browse Financial Service literature to make sure they are comparing like with like. But it is the UNIQUE that tips the balance, particularly when choosing a company, usually an individual, to manage their personal wealth.

Before the edges of fatigue and practical good began to blur, we turned to a short video to help us both re-focus.

This short film never ceases to inspire. It introduces a wonderful fresh way of thinking that gives all credit to its originator – Simon Sinek.

Take a look at this video and take time to consider:

a)      are you totally inspired and motivated by its contents? …and

b)      would you like to take advantage of a FREE ‘introduction to intimeCOACHING’  to harness inspiration and other business techniques to accelerate your own business potential.
Simon began as a student in anthropology, turning his fascination with ‘people’ into a career reaching into their persona, finding what inspires them and convincing them to follow that inspiration. This continued until he discovered ‘WHY’.

He wrote START WITH WHY which we commend you to read.

Because business is all about people – professionally, organisationally, interpersonally – Simon could be regarded, as we sometimes consider ourselves, as being a business anthropologist.


Knowing the WHY can inform your actions as a brand, your brand voice, its character, and everything else that helps build it into something people want to have a relationship with.”

Attributed to Simon Sinek.

WHAT and HOW are vital, yes – they determine quality, viability, functionality, price, value, margin, service, logistics.
We all make rational (WHAT) purchase decisions every day … because it’s there at the time I want it.

The WHY is often forgotten in the content-driven, busy world of the SME. By ignoring it we miss a major trick.
WHY is what you make it:

Now, you don't have to follow Simon's concept to a 'T' (after all he didn't add 'said'). But you can use the inspiration to help think about your own Key and Unique business qualities.
Take a look at intime PROFIT:
We think this is our WHY, because it's our passion, the success that drives us:
"We give business leaders the opportunity and method to accelerate their business potential."

We've a great and proven methodology that supports our coach / client relationship:
"By guiding business leaders through a regular, structured approach proven to identify and meet their specific objectives."

We are interpreting the Simon Sinek experience to make this our USP – What makes us different, unique:
"The intime PROFIT ‘3 Step Process’ gives business leaders the guidance and opportunity to accelerate their business potential."

For more information call 08456 437 497;

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